The highest priority of school education will be “Universal acquisition of Foundational learning skills by Grade 3”
FOUNDATIONAL LANGUAGE AND LITERACY The pre-existing knowledge of language helps in building literacy skills in languages. The key components in Foundational Language and Literacy are: Oral Language Development Includes improved listening comprehension; oral vocabulary and extended conversation skills. The experiences in oral language are important for developing skills of reading and writing. Decoding Involves deciphering written words based on understanding the relationship between symbols and their sounds Reading Fluency Refers to the ability to read a text with accuracy, speed (automaticity), expression (prosody), and comprehension that allows children to make meaning from the text. Many children recognize aksharas, but read them laboriously, one by one. Reading Comprehension Involves constructing meaning from a text and thinking critically about it. This domain covers the competencies of understanding texts and retrieving information from them, as well as interpreting texts. Writing This domain includes the competencies of writing aksharas and words as well as writing for expression

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